Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I could not find a good vid..
So I'm just going to talk about

Well... lets see here oh here a good part of
the day....

Ok it all started two nights ago...

iIwas brushing my teeth and then Zane hit
my deck of cards into the sink! So it got soaked!

Then that night I told dad what had happened
he said. "Allright Trey I'm going to Target to get Chase
new glasses in two days!" He continued
so we will get some then!"

I went to sleep that night so exited that I woke up at 7.30!

So, now I have two new decks!

I got a blue back deck and a hard to explain back deck I spent most of the
time finding cool card tricks tonight.

Thats it for today..
See you on my next blog!


  1. My second son likes magic. He is not as serious as you, but he likes to check books out of the library and try things. He has a blog too - www.futurezookeeper.wordpress.com

  2. Very awesome with the decks. I'm sure Zane knocked them in the sink by accident. But atleast you got a new deck!! Very cool!

  3. Cool blog Trey! My girls are at school right now but I can't wait to show them the tricks you have posted. What a tallent!
    Lisa J. Davis
