Friday, May 15, 2009

it has been a long time since i had blogged

all right well it has been a long time....
But i have some exiting news!
well i have been practising my tricks
for a while now and i finaly get to
do something real with them.
i am going to a restront set up
a table and perform magic tricks on it!
And if i get bored i can walk around the
place and perform some! (defrent subject)
And guess what i got a ukulele (and no I'm not
hawaiin!) just two days ago!
I sent it to guitarworks to get better strings
because the strings were kind of bad im geting it
back tamarow! i cant wait!


  1. Hey Kidlet!

    Your ukulele (did I spell that right?!) is waiting for you when you wake up!!!

    I luv ya!

    You are the whipped cream in my hot chocolate!


  2. That is very cool about going to a restaurant and performing! May that go really well.

    Are you going to post a video of you playing something on your ukulele?

