Wednesday, June 23, 2010

there's some good some not so good.

Yester day was ok, good, there's some good some not so good.

so it all started with one of those days when you can barely get up

out of bed. So i sat there just waiting for dad to say

"its time to get up sleepy!!!"

but it never came so i floped out of bed and when i say floped i literally

mean flop.

see i sleep in a bunk bed and my older brother

sleeps on a matress right out from onder my bunk bed

so i fell on to his bed (aka his big pile of springs inside a

thin peace of cloth.......)

and then i slowly walked out of my room freesing cold into the hallway and

upstairs where i new a nice big warm "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN TREY???!!!?!?


but that didnt come ether i thought the day was going smoothly ontill chase (my

older brother) just had to walts up to me and say "look at our list of school today,

my little brother!!!!"

thats when i felt like i wished i had NOT goten out of bed but i knew that there is

no such thing as time travel so i just whent to mom to say good morning and all

and thats when she told me to get clothes on and get to school.

about three hours later. hehe!

so i made it through school without passing out and then mom and dad and chase told me to get

my tai kwon do stuff on like my gi or aka my uniform so i whent into the closet to get my gi on

and thats when it started up again. Zane (ONE of my little brothers) wanted to help with Tye's

(another one of my little brothers) tai kwon do class but i told him "you helped yesterday."

so then he whent to get mom and then dad and i got in trouble

(ok think just think for three or four seconds i got in trouble by kia our helper arowned the

house for saying "you helped yesterday." to my litle brother yet again another bad thing in my

day. ok its problebley three our four seconds by now so im just going to go back to righting)

but i ended up getting to help with Tyes class

about one hour later.. (why is that so fun!!!!)

so i got to bow the class in and out of class of witch is pretty fun! so all you do when you bow the

class in and out is you have to be the highest belt and oldest age.

so when i was done helping i took my gi off in moms car she picked my up and when she picked

me up she had a new dog it was cute but then i thought darn more work i all ready have nala

and bensen as my to dogs. so dhe put me in the car to bring me to my guitar practis. i was done

with guitar practis in half an hour and then dad picked me up to bring me to MY tai kwon do

class when i notised i took off my gi in the car that mom picked me up in....

so we were driving to my tai kwon do class and i told dad the problem so i was counted as a no belt for the class but consedering my age at least i was above Zane for the class.

about two well you get the point sigh

So once we got back home i just literaly sat on the coutch and allmost fell to sleep untill i thought
about my favorate website ROBLOX so i did that for a while and then it was bed time so i went to bed but since kia and her freind were here becoase my mom suddenly became sick we stayed up for a while watching tv and i finaly fell to sleep.

an since i fell to sleep on the floor that night i am sore just trying to move.


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